2021 Projects
The Ontario Association of Architects’ (OAA’s) 2021 SHIFT Resiliency/Architecture Challenge sought unique, inventive ideas that would promote public dialogue, shift public consciousness, affect society, and drive change.
The reality of the COVID-19 pandemic has tested our resilience as individuals, as professionals, as families, and as community members. The five selected projects illustrate how architects, interns, student associates and their teams harnessed their architectural-thinking powers and responded creatively to this critical concept—resiliency.
The five selections highlighted below were chosen by a jury to represent SHIFT’s 2021 class and were presented on May 20, 2021 as part of the 2021 OAA virtual Conference. Watch the video here.
In November 2021, the OAA hosted two virtual events celebrating the SHIFT selections. You can watch “Resiliency in the City” and “The Resiliency of Changing Communities” online. You can also read the SHIFT2021 e-publication on the OAA Website by clicking here.
See the following OAA Media Release announcing the winners.
See the following link to view the 2019 SHIFT Infrastructure/Architecture selected projects.